Sienna Miller

WINNER: Best Acting Performance Female

MOVIE: American Woman


Sienna Miller is a british actress, model and stilist, born in New York in 1981. In 2008 she receives her first BAFTA nomination as Rising Star Award. Few years later, her playing the Hitchcock’s diva Tippi Hedren for TV Film “The Girl” (2012), leads her to her second BAFTA nomination and to her first Golden Globe’s nomination. She’s also known for her role next to Bradley Cooper in Clint Eastwood’s “American Sniper”, and for the one in “Fox Catcher”, directed by Bennet Miller (both released 2014). She’s also played in several theatrical production.


Maaike NeuvilleBovaryRoxane Mesquida MedusaBarbora Bockova NightlineSallie Harmsen Sea of TimeAnabela Moreira The Last Bath